Upright Basses Under $1500.
Great sounding Upright Double Basses
Good for Students and Pros on the go.

Upright Basses Under $1500

Upright Basses Under $1500

Bluegrass Bass Fiddle Milano MB-12  3/4 Upright Bass
Regular price: $1,995.00
Sale price: $1,495.00
Student Upright Bass - 1/4 Size Upright Double Bass Fiddle
Regular price: $1,995.00
Sale price: $1,495.00
Palatino VB-012 Upright Double Bass, Violin Corner Blonde
Regular price: $2,000.00
Sale price: $1,895.00
Student Upright Double Bass Milano MB-12  in 1/2 and 3/4  sizes
Regular price: $1,995.00
Sale price: $1,495.00
MB-45 Black 3/4 UPRIGHT BLACK BASS Rockabilly and Bluegrass with HOT Weedwacker Pro Strings
Regular price: $2,295.00
Sale price: $1,995.00

Turn down our driveway between the Retirement Center and 789 East Washington Blvd signage. Plenty of our own off-street parking. (Follow the signs that say "789 Parking in Rear".)
Our physical address is 789 East Washington Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91104.
Ph: 626-794-7554

Fantastic Musical Instruments specializes in the violin string family instruments
with a caring hands on approach.
Hours: Monday through Friday 11 AM to 6 PM
, Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM.
Sundays by appointment.
Call Ph: 626-794-7554 at least 48 hours in advance
for a Sunday appointment.
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